Mechatronic Application Research Center

The added value of our multi-technological approach has led us to create an interdisciplinary department called MARC.

The added value of our multi-technological approach has led us to create an interdisciplinary department called MARC.

MARC undertakes research and design activities relating to components and systems that encompass the interaction and integration of electronics, mechanics and software. It drives the conceptualisation and development of new products that anticipate future trends and needs. The center is supported by a team that deals with simulations and digital twins, as well as by material experts, and has formed strategic partnerships with leading universities and research institutes.

The latest components for industrial automation, and in particular the transportation and life-science sectors, combine advanced functions with ever-closer machine integration, enabling the inclusion of state-of-the-art condition assessment and predictive maintenance systems.

The development of these innovative components comes about through MARC’s multidisciplinary-team approach. This increases the team’s internal levels of expertise in both designing the products and improving the user experience for the customer.